This is the begin­ning of the time­line. Only a few key events are list­ed, most­ly just big events such as big wars.  The rest of the time­line will be added through the sto­ries and his­to­ries that are cre­at­ed by col­lab­o­ra­tors of the Ann­mar Chronicles

BG: Before the Last God           AG: After the Last God


1 BG: Eras- the Last God is bru­tal­ly mur­dered by King Annthen and the Ora­cles of Errinity 


The First Age

At the begin­ning of the first age in the World of Ann­mar and through the first hun­dred years,  is a dark time in Ann­mar where the gods are dead and mag­ic has left the world. A world shaped by the cre­ation of five gods where mag­ic was preva­lent through­out the land, it dis­ap­peared long ago.  Now Ann­mar is the world made up of dif­fer­ent king­doms that are equal­ly sus­pi­cious of one anoth­er. There are King­doms for Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Fae, and Bar­bar­ians with free towns that do not come under the rule of any king­doms. These towns such as Liberus are con­sid­ered outsiders.

Dur­ing this time, the King­dom’s of Anntheia and Belmere are con­stant­ly at odds with one anoth­er and bat­tle for land and domin­ion over mankind in Ann­mar. The Elven King­dom of Dor­winn, the Halfling King­dom of Yorynn, and the Faerûn King­dom known as the Ember­wild all keep to them­selves and stay out of the affairs of men. The Dwar­ven King­dom of Guirinn main­tains peace through Ann­mar with its mer­chant ser­vices to all king­doms. And the Bar­bar­ian Clans of Skall­venn raid and plun­der as with their nature through­out the land while always being at odds with dif­fer­ent king­doms in Annmar.


4 AG: King Annthen dies.  Anntheia dou­bles in size through war by his heir, King Annchron and starts with the first with Belmere


One hun­dred years after the Age of Gods, sto­ries about gods and mag­ic are mere­ly myth. Most folks in Ann­mar do not believe them to be true. Even monks at the great Monastery of Lenntis who keep the writ­ten his­to­ry of Ann­mar record these sto­ries as myth.   How­ev­er, at this time, there has been an awak­en­ing. The time of mag­ic may soon come again as the King­doms ready for war and vie for con­trol over its pow­er. A mys­te­ri­ous vis­i­tor will return and could ful­fill a prophe­cy about the return of mag­ic, but there are those who want to stop this and have the pow­er of mag­ic for them­selves. The last 100 years in Ann­mar have been the Dark Ages, that time may soon be at an end. 


100 AG: The Rangers: Jae­den, Rath­gar, Han­ni­ah stop ban­dits from killing every­one on a small mer­chant ship and res­cue a girl named Deva

From “The Rangers of Liberus” Stories- Written by Marcus Blake

120 AG: The 1st War of Mag­ic in Ann­mar begins. There are 5 peo­ple (from dif­fer­ent races) who have some mag­i­cal abil­i­ty and are being hunt­ed thus begin­ning the 1st war of magic. 

121 AG: The Pen­ta­cle will come togeth­er and find the Shrine of Nydar.  Through their com­bined pow­er, mag­ic will come back to Ann­mar.  New gen­er­a­tions of mag­ic users will be born.

989 AG: The 2nd War of Mag­ic in Ann­mar begins

The Second Age

1000 AG: The Anntheium Empire comes into Pow­er.  The rule over all of Ann­mar except for a few trad­ing posts that live out­side of their rule.

1503 AG:  The First Drag­on is discovered.

1979 AG: The 3rd War of Mag­ic in Ann­mar begins

The Third Age

2001 AG: The last city of the Anntheium Empire falls.

2205 AG: The Inva­sion of Annmar