Dor­winn – Elven Kingdom

Loca­tion: North­west­ern Part of Ann­mar- thick wood­land areas with mountains

***There are many Hous­es in the Elven Kingdom



Anntheia – Largest Human Kingdom

Loca­tion: South­east­ern Part of Ann­mar- series of coastal towns and has the largest port sur­round­ed by woods

***There are many Hous­es in the King­dom of Anntheia



Belmere – 2nd Largest Human Kingdom

Loca­tion: North­east­ern Part of Ann­mar- heav­i­ly wood­ed area, extreme win­ters, rich in min­er­als. 2nd Largest Port in Annmar

***There are many Hous­es in the King­dom of Belmere



Guirinn – Dwarf Kingdom

Loca­tion: Mid­dle part of Ann­mar, large moun­tain ranges, rich­est part of Ann­mar for Min­er­als, Orr, and Gold.

***There are many Clans in the Dwarf Kingdom



The Ember­wild – Fairy Kingdom

Loca­tion: North­west­ern Part of Ann­mar, south­east of Dor­winn.  This is the most heav­i­ly wood­ed part of  Ann­mar.  The wood­ed part leads to the Elven Kingdom

***There are many Clans in the Fairy Kingdom



Yorynn  – Gnome and Halfling Kingdom

Loca­tion:  Mid­dle west­ern Part of Ann­mar- thick wood­land areas with lus­cious green rolling fields

***There are many vil­lages  in the Gnome and Halfling King­dom. Sur­names are based on the vil­lage they are from. 



Skall­venn  – Bar­bar­ian Kingdom

Loca­tion:  Mid­dle Part of Ann­mar just the west of Guirinn. A heav­i­ly wood­ed area at the tip of the moun­tain ranges. West of Lenntis that sits between three moun­tain ranges.  Filled with lit­tle vil­lages run indi­vid­ual clans. 

***There are many Clans in the Bar­bar­ian Kingdom




Lenntis Mon­es­tary- Largest Mon­es­tary for Monks and has the largest library dur­ing the 1st Age.

Loca­tion: Just to the west of Guirinn at the begin­ning of the moun­tain ranges. It sits between the three largest moun­tain ranges.

Liberus – Traders Out­post and a series of small towns out­side of any king­dom; not ruled by any monarchy.

Loca­tion: South­west­ern Part of Ann­mar- small wood­ed areas sur­round the towns out­side of the small port, but also con­tains numer­ous fish­ing villages.