Annmar Chronicles Role Playing Game

Wel­come to Ann­mar. An ancient world filled with Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Gnomes, Orcs, Golems, Khronnes and Faerûn. It is a land with many King­doms of dif­fer­ent races and free towns where races live togeth­er. It is also world filled with the pow­er of the gods, com­mon­ly known as mag­ic. Ann­mar is a world plagued by war, pol­i­tics, sus­pi­cion, and the rise of empires.  How­ev­er, since the fall of the last god there have been moments of peace with the main king­doms of Anntheia, Belmere, Dor­winn,  Skall­venn, Yorynn, and The Ember­wild. But through it all Ann­mar has sur­vived for Three Ages since the fall of the gods. 

Expe­ri­ence the Ann­mar Chron­i­cles Role Play­ing Game with this book.  It is a table­top RPG using old-school basic fan­ta­sy rules and a com­bi­na­tion of mul­ti­ple sys­tems. In this new world of fan­ta­sy that’s filled with a rich his­to­ry and lore, start a new cam­paign with every­thing that you love about fan­ta­sy. We invite play­ers to help tell the sto­ries of Ann­mar and help write its mythol­o­gy through fan­tas­tic Role-Play­ing Games. With 10 dif­fer­ent races and 11 dif­fer­ent class­es, and this first edi­tion of the Play­ers Hand­book, you will have every­thing you need to start your next role-play­ing cam­paign. Unlike oth­er fan­ta­sy worlds, we use old school RPG mechan­ics and some new mechan­ics only unique to the world of Ann­mar, that will send you off on your next adven­ture. Start play­ing in a world of king­doms, empires, mon­sters, mag­ic, and every­thing that makes a great fan­ta­sy world.  Start play­ing in the world of Ann­mar today!

ISBN: 978–1932996-79–1