“Mag­ic lies with­in the secrets we keep, for only those who are wor­thy will know our true heart.”

The Ember­wild is the most secre­tive place in Ann­mar.  It is the king­dom of the Fae or Faerûn (fairies).  They are mys­ti­cal crea­tures that live in the thick for­est known as The Foxxwood. The Ember­wild is locat­ed between the king­doms of Dor­winn and Belmere. The for­est area between the king­doms is the Ember­wild. Not much is known about the Faerûn, they remain mys­te­ri­ous on pur­pose.  The Ember­wild is a nat­ur­al defense from the out­side word and the Fae’s vil­lages reside deep in the forests and high up in the trees, mak­ing them hard to find.  Fae can live on the ground and in the trees.  In fact, there are cities in the trees, includ­ing a hid­den city called The Cohn­nwood reserved for Fae, Elves, Gnomes, and Halflings. The out­side world rarely ven­tures into the Ember­wild and Fae main­ly keep to them­selves, while being very sus­pi­cious of oth­er king­doms.  This just leads to their mys­tique in Annmar.

Fae can be as tall as a human being or small as a tenth of their size.  But all Fae have beau­ti­ful lumi­nes­cent wings, which allows them to fly.  They are the only race in Ann­mar that can fly.  No one knows what god­ly pow­er gave the Fae that abil­i­ty.  It is anoth­er one of their mys­ter­ies.  Faerûn are capa­ble war­riors.  They are fast, which makes them good swords­man, but their true strength lies in their archery skills and because they can fly it makes them dead­ly espe­cial­ly from long dis­tances.  Fae do not fight in the wars of oth­er races.  Their wars are among them­selves.  Fae do not have roy­al hous­es.  The Ember­wild is made up of ten vil­lages along with the secret city.  But the Ember­wild does have a cap­i­tal city called Bram­ble­moon where the king resides. There is a king or a queen that rules over the Fae, cho­sen through prophe­cy by the ora­cles in the Faerûn king­dom.  They choose who will best serve the Fae at that time and place.

The cli­mate of the Ember­wild varies from warm to cold.  There are great snow­falls that come to the Ember­wild since it bor­ders Belmere.  But the Fae are in tune with the weath­er as they are with all liv­ing things in their king­dom.  The Fae are the one race more in tune with nature, even more so than the Elves. Since Faerûn are for the most part a mys­tery to the rest of Ann­mar, they are how­ev­er, known for one thing.  It is the one com­mod­i­ty they trade with oth­er king­doms.  Wood.  The Ember­wild has the strongest wood in Ann­mar.  The strongest bridges, build­ings, and cities in the trees are built with wood from the Ember­wild, espe­cial­ly wood from the Foxxwood for­est.  And while many do not ven­ture into the Ember­wild, there is one city that is the cen­ter for most of their trade. It is Rose­loch, which is locat­ed on a lake along the Mara­sonn Riv­er that sep­a­rates the king­doms of Dor­winn, the Ember­wild, and Yorynn from the rest of Ann­mar. Rose­loch is a vibrant trade cen­ter for most­ly wood and oth­er goods, and its main entry point into the Ember­wild and the world of the Fae


Clans of The Emberwild












 ***  Faerûn (Fairy) don’t have Sur­names, they have first names and say where they’re from.  Exam­ple: “Wil­low of Fire­gust.” But Fae also have com­mon sur­names like, Plum­gloss, Sunnstarr, and Wood­glenn.  These are Fae that do not belong to a village.