“Wis­dom is the essence to liv­ing a long life.” 

Dor­winn is the Elven King­dom in Ann­mar. It is locat­ed in the North­west part of the world. A land with a mix­ture of cli­mates from com­fort­ably warm to mild­ly cold. It is con­sid­ered the most beau­ti­ful part of Ann­mar with its rich green mead­ows, beau­ti­ful water­falls, moun­tains, and lush land­scapes. Some say the sun shines extra bright over Dor­winn. The Elves live long lives. Some say well over hun­dreds of years. They are con­sid­ered the most intel­li­gent of all beings in Ann­mar and their knowl­edge is con­sid­ered unpar­al­leled to all oth­er races. They even have some of the largest libraries in the world that would even rival the great Citadel-Monastery of Lenntis who is known as the largest record keep­er in the world. Elves speak their own lan­guage (Elven lan­guage), but also speak in the com­mon tongue.

The king­dom of Dor­winn is made up of 6 roy­al hous­es. The Elves do not have a king but are gov­erned by an Elven Coun­cil made up by the Lords of each roy­al house. The great cap­i­tal city of Dor­winn is locat­ed in Tara­nonn. The Elves for the most part are con­sid­ered a pri­vate race and do not often share their secrets out­side of their King­dom. They are more in tune with nature and can wield the meta­phys­i­cal ele­ments of nature. While it is not con­sid­ered mag­ic, it is deemed as pow­er. For Elves have the abil­i­ty to con­jure nat­ur­al ele­ments for the use of med­i­cine and weapons. It is these abil­i­ties that allow them to make pow­er­ful steel. Elven steel is con­sid­ered sacred and as some of the most pow­er­ful Steel in the world, only rival­ing the king­dom of Belmere. But the secrets and how they cre­ate their pow­er­ful steel are not shared, where­as steel from Belmere is trad­ed through­out all of Annmar.

The Elves are also excel­lent war­riors. Fierce and brave, they are known as the best archers in the world. But because of their skills with steel and mak­ing swords, they are also great Swords­men. Fast and nim­ble, their armies have always been hard to defeat. But elves have also been known for their Naval skills. Their great ships, their ship-build­ing skills rival­ing that of Anntheia. While elves are not prone to war since they look for more peace­ful solu­tions, make no mis­take, elves can be one of the great­est ene­mies in war or the best ally because of their speed when it comes to their sword and archery skills. Dor­winn does not often align with oth­er king­doms as it keeps to itself, but when they do become an ally as in the case of Belmere, it is often in per­pe­tu­ity unless the treaty spec­i­fies oth­er­wise. Elves are known to be a wise and gen­tle folk with long life, but dead­ly and vio­lent if need be when it comes to war.



Roy­al Hous­es of Dorwinn

House Mirarel

House Tyr­i­all

House Anfalenn

House Vol­winn

House Rhis­tell

House Thal­lann


*** Sur­names are based on the House an Elf belongs to.  All Elves belong to a Noble House.  Half Elves will not have a noble name.  The most com­mon sur­names for Half Elves are Ralnnnor, Jassinn, Alred, and Devdann.