“No jour­ney is com­plete with­out a good smoke, a good ale, and the com­pa­ny of friends.” 

Yorynn is the king­dom of Halflings and Gnomes, some­times referred to as the king­dom of Half-Folk. Gnomes, or the for­got­ten folk as they were some­times known.  They are small humanoids known for their eccen­tric sense of humor, inquis­i­tive­ness, and engi­neer­ing prowess. Halflings are clever, capa­ble oppor­tunists. Depend­ing on the clan, Halflings might be reli­able, hard-work­ing cit­i­zens, or they might be thieves just wait­ing for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make a big score and dis­ap­pear in the dead of night. Halflings adven­tur­ers are typ­i­cal­ly look­ing for a way to use their skills to gain wealth or sta­tus. Gnomes are more crafts­men and love build­ing and mak­ing things, whether it’s out of wood or farm­ing.  Both groups do co-exist togeth­er, but not nec­es­sar­i­ly in the same vil­lage. Yorynn does not have small king­doms or cas­tles.  They do not have roy­al hous­es or lords. Yorynn is made up of vil­lages with their own unique name, but the king­dom does have a cap­i­tal city, called Dermwist where the elect­ed King of Yorynn rules.  He is cho­sen from one of the mag­is­trates who rule over a village.

Gnomes and Halflings do not have much to do with the out­side world as they main­ly keep to them­selves.  Halflings deal more with the out­side world through trade and com­merce, but also because they are oppor­tunists, some engage in crim­i­nal activ­i­ties as well.  Halflings make the best bur­glars and can be pret­ty crafty thieves, but most­ly they deal in trade.  Most Gnomes and Halflings from Yorynn are peace­ful.  They are most­ly farm­ers and crafts­men. Gnomes are great crafters of musi­cal instru­ments.  The finest in Ann­mar.  Halflings are great tai­lors and make the finest silks in Ann­mar.  The one thing that Yorynn is tru­ly known for is tobac­co farm­ing.  The finest herb and tobac­co is grown in Yorynn.  That is their main com­mod­i­ty. Gnomes and Halflings do not involve them­selves too much in the affairs of the world unless it’s through trade and com­merce. Most do not ven­ture out­side of Yorynn unless they are the adven­tur­ous type or take part in trade and com­merce as well as crim­i­nal activities.

Yorynn gen­er­al­ly gets along with all oth­er king­doms and has good rela­tion­ships with them because of trade and com­merce. Because of this, Gnomes and Halflings gen­er­al­ly do not take part in wars, but because some halflings can resort to crim­i­nal­i­ty, they can be used for stealth activ­i­ties such as being spies or even assas­sins. They can get in out of with­out being noticed and because they are folk who are large­ly ignored by oth­er races. Halflings have been employed as spies by oth­er king­doms, most­ly Anntheia. But most­ly the inhab­i­tants of Yorynn want to be left in peace. The land is some of the most beau­ti­ful and all of Ann­mar.  Because it shares a bor­der with Dor­winn, it has some of the same beau­ti­ful land­scapes from rolling green mead­ows to enchant­ed forests. And just like Dor­winn the cli­mate is not too hot or cold.  The tem­per­a­ture is almost per­fect.  Yorynn strives to be a peace­ful place and that is why its cit­i­zens work hard to main­tain the trade of tobac­co, its main com­mod­i­ty, instead of seek­ing war.


Clans of Yorynn











*** Sur­names are based on the vil­lage they are from.   The vil­lage names are their surnames.