
“A war­rior who uses mar­tial prowess and nature mag­ic to com­bat threats on the edges of civilization.” 


 “A fierce war­rior of prim­i­tive back­ground who can enter a bat­tle rage.”




“A mas­ter of mar­tial com­bat, skilled with a vari­ety of weapons and armor. These are gen­er­al­ly sol­diers and var­i­ous knights through­out the king­doms of man.” 




“A holy war­rior bound to a sacred oath. They are the pro­tec­tors of those who use magic.” 




“An inspir­ing magi­cian whose pow­er echoes the music of cre­ation. Also, poets who give the oral his­to­ry of the sig­nif­i­cant events in Annmar.” 




“A spell­cast­er who draws on inher­ent mag­ic from a gift or bloodline.” 




“A wield­er of mag­ic that is derived from a bar­gain with an extra­pla­nar entity.” 



“A priest­ly cham­pi­on who wields divine mag­ic in ser­vice of a high­er pow­er. They also serve as heal­ers or doc­tors in towns or vil­lages. Also, they are the most edu­cat­ed indi­vid­ual in their town or village.” 



“A priest of the Old Faith, wield­ing the pow­ers of nature—moonlight and plant growth, fire and lightning—and adopt­ing ani­mal forms. They are the reli­gious sect that pro­tects the secrets of mag­ic and the pow­er of gods.  Unlike Monks, their sole pur­pose is to pro­tect mag­i­cal secrets and mag­ic users.” 



“A mas­ter of mar­tial arts, har­ness­ing the pow­er of the body in pur­suit of phys­i­cal and spir­i­tu­al per­fec­tion.  They also serve as the record keep­ers or recorders of his­to­ry in Ann­mar espe­cial­ly dur­ing the first Age before the rise of empires. ” 


Thieves are usu­al­ly stealthy and dex­ter­ous or speedy char­ac­ters able to dis­arm traps, pick locks, spy on foes, avoid ene­my detec­tion and per­form back­stabs from hid­ing. Thieves are usu­al­ly nim­ble melee or ranged com­bat­ants, and tend to be focused on dodg­ing attacks rather than with­stand­ing dam­age. They often attack by dual-wield­ing dag­gers or with oth­er small one-hand­ed and/or con­ceal­able weapons, rely­ing on speed and rapid strikes rather than sheer dam­age out­put. Thieves usu­al­ly work in small groups or guilds. Thieves usu­al­ly have a stealth abil­i­ty, allow­ing them to dis­ap­pear from sight, often this is com­bined with attack­ing an unaware or flanked oppo­nent to inflict high dam­age. Thieves are usu­al­ly restrict­ed to the lighter armors that are eas­i­er to move in, leather and the like. While thieves typ­i­cal­ly can­not prac­tice mag­ic, they might use scrolls or mag­ic items in some games; if nei­ther options are avail­able, then tech­ni­cal gad­gets are used. In most fan­ta­sy set­tings, small­er and more agile fan­ta­sy races (like elves, gnomes, and halflings) are par­tic­u­lar­ly suit­ed for the thief class. Most Thieves in Ann­mar are not under the rule of any king­dom and gen­er­al­ly work alone unless they part­ner with someone.