“Pride and anger are the jew­els that make a kingdom.” 

Guirinn is the king­dom of Dwarves. The king­dom is locat­ed in the mid­dle of Ann­mar with­in the Ker­rodeenn moun­tains and bor­ders three king­doms, Belmere, Anntheia, and SKallvynn. The king­dom is a mix­ture of homes with­in the moun­tains and small vil­lages. Guirinn has five roy­al hous­es with one of the roy­al hous­es being the rul­ing House of the King­dom. The king or queen will always come from one of the roy­al hous­es until their line is dis­tin­guished and a new roy­al house becomes the ruler of the King­dom. The cap­i­tal city of Guirinn is Thoridunn and each roy­al house has their own cap­i­tal city. Dwarves can be half or two-thirds in height com­pared to a human being. They may be short in stature, but they are also strong and capa­ble Warriors.

Dwarves are known as the finest min­ers and trades­men in the world. There black­smithing skills are impec­ca­ble, rival­ing that of Belmere. How­ev­er, it is there min­ing and stonework for which Dwarves are tru­ly known for in the world. With­in the moun­tain ranges where the king­dom resides are some of the finest jew­els and gold found in Ann­mar. This makes them one of the rich­est king­doms. The finest jew­els in all of Ann­mar usu­al­ly come from Guirinn. The most pres­ti­gious hilts and pum­mels for swords are made in Guirinn because of the jew­els that are placed in them. Also, because of their skill in stonework Dwarves are usu­al­ly com­mis­sioned to help build cas­tles in oth­er king­doms. Dwarves can always find work in Annmar

Dwarves do not nat­u­ral­ly grav­i­tate towards war. They believe in hir­ing out their trade and build­ing com­merce with oth­er king­doms. Because of this they for the most part remain neu­tral and what­ev­er war, they take part of is usu­al­ly amongst their own kind, If they were to have an alliance it would prob­a­bly be with Anntheia because that is where most of their busi­ness takes place. They have an uneasy truce with the king­dom of Dor­winn and Belmere. When dwarves fight, their weapon of choice is usu­al­ly an ax, a long ham­mer, or club. Dwarves are known to be stub­born folk, but they are very loy­al to their allies and to a cause if they take it up. Dwarves can be bois­ter­ous in their cel­e­bra­tion.  That may have some­thing to do with brew­ing some of the best ale in Ann­mar. The most com­mon ale served in tav­erns through­out the world is brewed in Guirinn.



Roy­al Hous­es of Guirinn

House Mor­gor

House Thorn­n­mer

House Snod­drik

House Grookheim

House Ell­ric


*** Sur­names are based on the House a per­son belongs to.  Those with dif­fer­ent sur­names are not of noble birth and some are usu­al­ly bas­tard off­spring with one of 3 sur­names, Ghof, Dhimm, and Starnn.