There is a com­mon tongue in Ann­mar.  It’s called Old Lan­guage (Eng­lish) but sim­ply referred to as the com­mon tongue.  Elves do have their own lan­guage which is Elven. Bar­bar­ians also have their own lan­guage called Bar­bek (Gael­ic).  No one speaks with contractions.



In the Ann­mar lan­guage every word that has a “n” in it will have two “n’s”. N is a a dou­ble “nn” in the com­mon lan­guage.  There must always be  2 “n’s” in a row if the word as an N unless it starts with N.


 Fuk — 1. To have sex­u­al inter­course with (some­one)  2.  To ruin or dam­age (some­thing).



Ruminn —  a liquor made by fer­ment­ing then dis­till­ing sug­ar­cane molasses or sug­ar­cane juice.

Ale – Beer

Wine — an alco­holic drink typ­i­cal­ly made from fer­ment­ed grapes.


Four of the King­doms in Ann­mar have noble hous­es, Belmere,  Anntheia, Guirinn, and Dor­winn.  One noble house in these king­doms will occu­py the throne, mean­ing the king or queen will come from a var­i­ous house, except for Dor­winn, the Elven King­dom which has  High Coun­sel, made up of the lead­ers of each Elven noble house.  Yorynn, Skallvynn, and the Ember­wild will have clans or vil­lages and sur­names are based on what town or clan they come from. These king­doms will have a Great Hall that serves as their seat of pow­er or Gov­ern­ment. There are neu­tral cities that do not come under the pow­er of the kingdom.



There are dif­fer­ent types of Alters,  Shrines,  and Tem­ples on Ann­mar that serve as Reli­gious places or Libraries.   Lenn­tus is a Mon­es­tary that has the great­est library and records room through­out Ann­mar.  There are var­i­ous Shrines and Tem­ples rep­re­sent­ing the 5 gods.  Some of these places have mag­i­cal prop­er­ties and will be used to bring mag­ic back into the world.



There are dif­fer­ent war­rior types through­out Ann­mar beyond a reg­u­lar knight.  Some are the spe­cial war­riors like a Shad­ow­guard .   Some are mer­ce­nar­ies are like sell­swords.  Great swords have a name and also have a sto­ried his­to­ry in bat­tle. The best swords have the best names.


The Mil­i­tary Rank­ings are the same through­out Ann­mar for those that have Armies and/or Navies. Those that do not have armies or navies do not rec­og­nize reg­u­lar mil­i­tary rank­ings, but can serve in armies that do have ranks them­selves . The rank­ings are uni­ver­sal­ly rec­og­nized through­out Annmar.