“We are the light that shines through the dark­ness of Annmar.” 

Anntheia is the largest king­dom in Ann­mar. It is locat­ed in the South­east­ern part of the world. Anntheia has mul­ti­ple cli­mates from warm and trop­i­cal in the very South­ern regions with cold and win­ter-like con­di­tions in the north­ern part, close to the bor­der it shares with Belmere. It also has a vari­ety of Land­scapes from flat grassy trains to moun­tain ranges. Part of the king­dom con­tains thick dense forests and plush mead­ows like the elven king­dom of Dor­winn. With Anntheia being the largest King­dom in Ann­mar, it also has the largest ports for trade thus mak­ing the king­dom have the largest econ­o­my in Ann­mar. The king­dom is divid­ed by eight prov­i­dences with each of those Prov­i­dence is being con­trolled by a roy­al house. There are eight roy­al hous­es in Anntheia. The king­dom is seen as a sym­bol of ele­gance, espe­cial­ly its largest cities such as the cap­i­tal, Wimbornn.

Anntheia also has the largest army in Ann­mar. The king­dom has 8 dif­fer­ent Legions that take their name from the Prov­i­dence from which they reside, with each Legion con­tain­ing at least 50,000 sol­diers. There was also the cap­i­tal region, which guards the cap­i­tal city and is made up of men from every Legion. The armies of Anntheia are well-trained and are con­sid­ered the most pro­fes­sion­al of armies from fierce infantry units to heavy cav­al­ry and larg­er, more dev­as­tat­ing weapons such as bal­lista. Anntheia may not have the fiercest war­riors in the world of Ann­mar, but the armies are usu­al­ly con­sid­ered the most well-trained through­out the land.

 What was once a small king­dom has quadru­pled in size with­in a hun­dred years since the fall of the gods and they are always seek­ing to increase the size of their king­dom. They do this through hav­ing small out­posts in dif­fer­ent parts of Ann­mar through treaties with oth­er king­doms or sim­ply tak­ing over oth­er parts of the world and cre­at­ing new bor­ders. They are con­stant­ly at odds with the king­dom of Belmere. Anntheia is pri­mar­i­ly known for hav­ing the rich­est econ­o­my, the largest army, and ship­build­ing. All of the best-made ships are con­struct­ed in Anntheia. The king­dom also has the largest navy. The king­dom is viewed as the epit­o­me of civ­i­liza­tion and enlight­en­ment. Anntheia wants to make the rest of the world in the very image of Anntheia.


Roy­al Hous­es of Anntheia 


House Kesterinn

House Fair­im­i­er

House Hol­lowenn

House Dura­mon­nt

House Alinnac

House Gal­liot

House Wyn­nwell

House Robin­tonn


*** Sur­names are based on the House a per­son belongs to.  Those with dif­fer­ent sur­names are not of noble birth, some are usu­al­ly bas­tard off­spring with one of 5 sur­names, Edonn, Sadonn, Blood­shout, Gre­gornn, and Fulkspear.