Leg­end has it, that five gods lived in the world that was before Ann­mar.  They helped to mold civ­i­liza­tion, espe­cial­ly mankind for good, until one god rebelled and want­ed to be all pow­er­ful and enslave mankind, which is the old­est race of Ann­mar. A war erupt­ed among the five gods until only one was left in the world.  The war among the five gods cre­at­ed oth­er species such as Elves,  Dwarves,  Halflings, and Gnomes. After this ter­ri­ble war, the world of Ann­mar reshaped,  man, along with the oth­er races sought to elim­i­nate the only god left in the world and killed her, thus start­ing a cat­a­clysmic event that reshaped the map of Ann­mar and start­ed the 1ST Age where all pow­er from the gods or mag­ic had left the world.


Anion – God of War and Destruction

Gen­nir ‑God of Magic

Dres­da  – God of Destiny

Eras– God of Tran­quil­i­ty and Love

Cimis – God of Wisdom

More Com­ing Later