“A sword, ax, pike, or ham­mer can make any­one honest.” 

Skall­venn is the king­dom of Bar­bar­ians (Exam­ple: Vikings). They are a vio­lent and war­ring race that wor­ship not only the god Anion, but many gods as well.   Skall­venn has many ter­rains from the flat­lands and forests to rivers and moun­tains It resides in the South­west­ern part of Ann­mar.  Bar­bar­ians are divid­ed in twelve clan instead of small king­doms.  They do not have cas­tles, but each clan has a cap­i­tal city and has a large build­ing or Great Hall that is their seat of gov­ern­ment.  Skall­venn does have a King and Queen.  The king is select­ed by signs from the gods they wor­ship or of tri­al by com­bat if some­one would chal­lenge for the throne.  The king may choose some­one to fight in his place for tri­al by com­bat.  The cap­i­tal of Skall­venn is the town of Hor­varkk.  The largest build­ing in Skall­venn is the Great Hall of Hor­varkk, which serves as its seat of government.

Each clan is ruled by a Chief­tain.  Bar­bar­ians do not have roy­al hous­es.  Chief­tains or “the Chief” are cho­sen by the clan they rule over through a vote or tri­al by com­bat.  Clan names are based on the ani­mals and crea­tures in Skall­venn.  Bar­bar­ians are only real­ly known for war and the unusu­al sharp weapons they make.   While Bar­bar­ians do know how to farm and have black­smithing skills, they get most of their things through plun­der.  Bar­bar­ians will raid and pil­lage parts of their king­doms.  Bar­bar­ians have an incur­able thirst for blood and gold. 

Skall­venn is not a rich king­dom, but Bar­bar­ians can eas­i­ly make a liv­ing beyond plun­der­ing oth­er king­doms by hir­ing out as sol­diers.  Because of their pen­chant for war.  Bar­bar­ians make for great mer­ce­nar­ies. The king and lords of Anntheia hire Bar­bar­ians a great deal for their secret wars and for the ugli­er jobs in war.  The clans of Skall­venn do war with each oth­er as it a rite of pas­sage. They do not always get along,but will unite under a king’s com­mand. Bar­bar­ians do not have much use for pol­i­tics, their pol­i­tics is that of war.  The most unique thing about Bar­bar­ians is each clan has their own lan­guage, but most Bar­bar­ians speak the com­mon tongue.



Clans of Skallvenn














*** Sur­names are based on what clan they are from.   Bar­bar­ians are a part of clans,  but can also have nick­names like “the black,” “the exe­cu­tion­er,” or “the hunter.”