The Annmar Chronicles will Launch on September 25th, 2021: The Next Great World of Fantasy! | Writers Needed to Write the Stories!

We are pleased to announce the launch­ing of The Ann­mar Chron­i­cles, a col­lab­o­ra­tive fan­ta­sy world that will span over three ages. It will be launch­ing on Sep­tem­ber, 2021 with the release of the first book and the role-play­ing game. This is a fan­ta­sy world where we bring writ­ers togeth­er to tell the sto­ries and write the mythol­o­gy. It will be an ever-expand­ing fan­ta­sy world through books, comics, graph­ic nov­els, and the cam­paigns in the Ann­mar Role Play­ing Game

Wel­come to Ann­mar. An ancient world filled with Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Gnomes, Orcs, Golems, Khronnes and Faerûn. It is a land with many King­doms of dif­fer­ent races and free towns where races live togeth­er. It is also a world filled with the pow­er of the gods, com­mon­ly known as mag­ic. Ann­mar is a world plagued by war, pol­i­tics, sus­pi­cion, and the rise of empires.  How­ev­er, since the fall of the last god there have been moments of peace with the main king­doms of Anntheia, Belmere, Dor­winn,  Skall­venn, Yorynn, and The Ember­wild. But through it all Ann­mar has sur­vived for three ages since the fall of the gods.  Ann­mar is a fan­ta­sy world span­ning over three dif­fer­ent ages. 

The first book to be released will be the Rangers of Liberus saga by Cre­ator and author, Mar­cus Blake. It will be set dur­ing the first age 100 years after the fall of the gods. This book will quick­ly be fol­lowed up by a mini com­ic by lead illus­tra­tor, James Chap­man with more infor­ma­tion on that sto­ry com­ing soon. In addi­tion, on Sep­tem­ber 25th, the first addi­tion of the hand­book for the role-play­ing game will also be released which will include the first cre­at­ed cam­paign called Jour­ney to Tim­ber­helm. More books will fol­low in the com­ing months after the launch of the Ann­mar Chron­i­cles and we will intro­duce to you more authors who will be writ­ing sto­ries with­in this fan­ta­sy world. Check out our web­site with begin­ning infor­ma­tion about the world, more infor­ma­tion will be com­ing lead­ing up to the release date. You can also check out the offi­cial. Fol­low us on social media for dai­ly updates about the Ann­mar Chronicles.

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Insta­gram: @annmarchronicles

Twit­ter: @annmarworld