Rangers of Liberus: Book 1

Rangers of Liberus: The One with Magic

It has been 100 years since the fall of the gods.  Dark times have fall­en over the world of Ann­mar as the pow­er of the gods have dis­ap­peared.   Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, and Fae try to live in peace, but are sus­pi­cious of one anoth­er.   King­doms, for the most part, keep to them­selves, but the king­doms of Belmere and Anntheia are on the brink of war yet again.  And now a pow­er that has not been seen in Ann­mar since the fall the gods will return.  A mys­te­ri­ous Half- Elf returns to Ann­mar in search of her fam­i­ly and this will set off a chain of events that will change the world for­ev­er. Along her jour­ney, she must find a secret place only known to those who once used mag­ic.  But as she steps foot in Ann­mar, she is attacked by bar­bar­ians only to be res­cued by the Rangers of Liberus. Out­casts from oth­er King­doms, the Rangers could be just the right band of heroes who can help her ful­fill her des­tiny.  The Dark Ages are com­ing to an end and the first War of Mag­ic is fast approaching.

This book is set dur­ing the First Age of Ann­mar and is book one of the Rangers of Liberus Saga. The sto­ry takes place in the first hun­dred years of the First Age not long after the fall of the gods dur­ing the years known as “After the Gods.” It is the begin­ning of the new age on the eve of when mag­ic will return to Ann­mar and what will become the First War of Mag­ic in the Ann­mar Chronicles.


ISBN: 978–1932996-78–4

True­source Publishing



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