Do you want to col­lab­o­rate and help write the his­to­ries of the Ann­mar Chronicles?

Do you want to be a pub­lished writer or pub­lish your artwork?

Do you want to cre­ate sto­ries through Role-Playing?

*First-time writ­ers and illus­tra­tors are wel­come to sign up*

Sign­ing up to be apart of the Ann­mar Chron­i­cles is real­ly,  real­ly easy.  All you got to do is send us an email and answer a few ques­tions.  That Simple!

Just email us direct­ly at



Answer the fol­low­ing questions…

  1. Tell us about yourself?
  2. Have you writ­ten fan­ta­sy sto­ries before?
  3. Do you have any ideas for characters?
  4. What part of the time­line do you want to write about?
  5. Are you just look­ing to sub­mit art­work for the Ann­mar Chronicles?


Down­load Pub­lish­ing Con­tract. Please Sign PDF Document

Down­load Roy­al­ty Rates