“Wisdom is the essence to living a long life.”
Dorwinn is the Elven Kingdom in Annmar. It is located in the Northwest part of the world. A land with a mixture of climates from comfortably warm to mildly cold. It is considered the most beautiful part of Annmar with its rich green meadows, beautiful waterfalls, mountains, and lush landscapes. Some say the sun shines extra bright over Dorwinn. The Elves live long lives. Some say well over hundreds of years. They are considered the most intelligent of all beings in Annmar and their knowledge is considered unparalleled to all other races. They even have some of the largest libraries in the world that would even rival the great Citadel-Monastery of Lenntis who is known as the largest record keeper in the world. Elves speak their own language (Elven language), but also speak in the common tongue.
The kingdom of Dorwinn is made up of 6 royal houses. The Elves do not have a king but are governed by an Elven Council made up by the Lords of each royal house. The great capital city of Dorwinn is located in Taranonn. The Elves for the most part are considered a private race and do not often share their secrets outside of their Kingdom. They are more in tune with nature and can wield the metaphysical elements of nature. While it is not considered magic, it is deemed as power. For Elves have the ability to conjure natural elements for the use of medicine and weapons. It is these abilities that allow them to make powerful steel. Elven steel is considered sacred and as some of the most powerful Steel in the world, only rivaling the kingdom of Belmere. But the secrets and how they create their powerful steel are not shared, whereas steel from Belmere is traded throughout all of Annmar.
The Elves are also excellent warriors. Fierce and brave, they are known as the best archers in the world. But because of their skills with steel and making swords, they are also great Swordsmen. Fast and nimble, their armies have always been hard to defeat. But elves have also been known for their Naval skills. Their great ships, their ship-building skills rivaling that of Anntheia. While elves are not prone to war since they look for more peaceful solutions, make no mistake, elves can be one of the greatest enemies in war or the best ally because of their speed when it comes to their sword and archery skills. Dorwinn does not often align with other kingdoms as it keeps to itself, but when they do become an ally as in the case of Belmere, it is often in perpetuity unless the treaty specifies otherwise. Elves are known to be a wise and gentle folk with long life, but deadly and violent if need be when it comes to war.
Royal Houses of Dorwinn
House Mirarel
House Tyriall
House Anfalenn
House Volwinn
House Rhistell
House Thallann
*** Surnames are based on the House an Elf belongs to. All Elves belong to a Noble House. Half Elves will not have a noble name. The most common surnames for Half Elves are Ralnnnor, Jassinn, Alred, and Devdann.