“By the blood of the old gods, we defend what is ours and fight for those who cannot.” 

Belmere is the north­ern­most king­dom in Ann­mar.  It resides in the north­east part of Ann­mar and has the cold­est cli­mate in Ann­mar.  The king­dom is made up of Humans, although some Dwarves do reside in Belmere.  Belmere has sev­en minor king­doms made up of 7 roy­al hous­es.  Belmere also has the sec­ond-largest army in Ann­mar.  The cit­i­zens of Belmere are fierce and stern, made tough by the cli­mate they live in.  It is most­ly cold, but Belmere can get hot in the sum­mer months.  Belmere is made up of moun­tains, forests, and hard flat­lands.  There are parts that are very beau­ti­ful and some that are very harsh.   Belmere is known for being fierce­ly inde­pen­dent as a king­dom.  Sol­diers are known to be the tough­est in Ann­mar, espe­cial­ly the sol­diers from House Fensenn. The one thing that Belmere is tru­ly known for is their Black­smithing skills, espe­cial­ly swords.

 Belmere is gen­er­al­ly known for mak­ing the best swords in Ann­mar because of the min­er­als and ore found in the moun­tains of Belmere.  The Bellmo­ra Moun­tains have the best min­er­als and ore. Belmere does sell swords through­out Ann­mar, even to King­doms such as Anntheia.  It is their num­ber one com­mod­i­ty.  The king­dom of Belmere has some uneasy truces with the Elven king­dom of Dor­winn and the Dwar­ven king­dom of Guirinn.  Belmere’s biggest ene­my is the king­dom of Anntheia where ten­sions are often high since they share a bor­der.  The king­dom of Belmere may not be liked in some parts of Ann­mar, but they are respect­ed for their hon­or and being true to their word. 

One roy­al house is usu­al­ly in con­trol of Belmere and the senior male, first in line of that roy­al house becomes King of Belmere.  When there is not a nat­ur­al heir, the Lords of Belmere will vote and select a new king from one of the roy­al hous­es of Belmere.  Wars have been fought because of this rule of law. The last time some­one chal­lenged for the throne was in 90 AG and it start­ed a civ­il war. But Belmere sur­vived and it is ruled by one king with 7 roy­al hous­es who still pledge their loy­al­ty to the throne.  No one has ever suc­cess­ful­ly invad­ed Belmere, invaders have been pushed back every time because Belmere has the tough­est army when they are fight­ing togeth­er.  And only Belme­riens know how to fight on the ter­rain in their country.




Roy­al Hous­es of Belmere

House Bar­renn

House Fensenn

House Carstonne

House Annsi­er

House Mack­winn

House Ham­sen­nd

House Searnonn


*** Sur­names are based on the House a per­son belongs to.  Those with dif­fer­ent sur­names are not of noble birth and some are usu­al­ly bas­tard off­spring with one of 5 sur­names, Carac, Lam­burnn, Ricon, Simonn, and Adkinn.