Lenntis is the old­est Citadel-Monastery in Ann­mar.  It has the largest library in Ann­mar as well.  Lenntis con­tains all the record­ed his­to­ry of Ann­mar and has been around for over 1,000 years.  It is locat­ed in the cen­ter of the world, high in the moun­tains between the king­doms of Guirinn, Skall­venn, and the Ember­wild.  A Citadel- Monastery is a fortress that pro­tects a huge library and a place of wor­ship.  The Monks that live there wor­ship the 5 gods and main­tain their secrets espe­cial­ly secrets of their pow­er   Because they are also record keep­ers and keep the his­to­ry of Ann­mar, Monks also keep the writ­ten his­to­ry and sto­ries about the 5 gods so that none in Ammar will for­get them and who cre­at­ed the world. 

 A Monk’s sole pur­pose is to record the his­to­ry of Ann­mar, but more impor­tant­ly to record the deeds of lords and kings. The actions of lords and kings effect his­to­ry more than any­thing.   Lenntis is a neu­tral site in Ann­mar.  Lenntis takes no part in wars.  Lenntis takes no sides so part of the Monk’s job is to record the deeds of all races in Ann­mar in order to have an accu­rate account of their actions in his­to­ry.  And because Lenntis is neu­tral, all treaties and alliances are signed there; at a place called Kingswatch. Even secret alliances because there must be a record of every­thing. The Monks at Lenntis keep metic­u­lous records from his­to­ry to prophe­cies and even leg­ends. Now, while some his­to­ry from the war of the five gods has been lost, Lenntis has the most accu­rate records of what hap­pened about the fall of the gods and the begin­ning of the first age since the fall.

 Monks are not just record­keep­ers, they are also war­riors, although they rarely fight. Their fight­ing skill is a form of what is known as mar­tial arts along with excep­tion­al skills in archery and swords­man­ship. They become War­riors to pro­tect the his­to­ry of Ann­mar. The Monks of Lenntis rarely leave the Citadel- Monastery, but some­times they trav­el to com­plete spe­cial tasks that are essen­tial to pre­serv­ing the his­to­ry of Ann­mar. Lenntis is also known for one more thing besides record­ing the his­to­ry of Ann­mar. The monks also make a spe­cial kind of wine that is trad­ed through­out Ann­mar.  While oth­er king­doms fer­ment their own wine.  The monks at Lenntis make a spe­cial blend that is in much demand and can be expen­sive. It is how they earn mon­ey for the upkeep of the citadel-monastery. The wine is called Allis­tarr Wine, named for the bright­est star that shines over Lenntis.