Humans are the most adapt­able and flex­i­ble of the com­mon races. They are diverse in their morals, cus­toms and habits. Hardy or fine, light-skinned or dark, showy or aus­tere, devout or impi­ous, humans run the gamut.Human adven­tur­ers are the most auda­cious, dar­ing and ambi­tious mem­bers of an auda­cious, dar­ing, and ambi­tious race. A human can earn glo­ry in the eyes of his fel­lows by amass­ing pow­er, wealth, and fame. Humans, more than oth­er peo­ple, cham­pi­on caus­es rather than ter­ri­to­ries, fac­tions or groups. There are more humans that inhab­it Ann­mar than any oth­er species.  But they come from dif­fer­ent places and have a vari­ety of cus­toms and tra­di­tions includ­ing reli­gions. They can use mag­ic, both good and dark mag­ic. Humans are thought to be a direct descen­dant of the god, Dres­da — the god of destiny. 



Most Khronnes choose a life of adven­ture out of neces­si­ty, giv­en the dan­gers of their home­land. Still, they great­ly desire per­son­al pow­er, and many Khronnes take up the man­tle of adven­tur­er seek­ing to sat­is­fy their ambi­tions. They are also known as dark elves. They wor­ship the evil God Anion.  One of the five Gods who are cred­it­ed with cre­at­ing the world. He is the God of War.  Most grav­i­tate towards the evil side of things.  Not all are bad,  but they tend to use dark Mag­ic. Khronnes are thought to be a direct descen­dant of the god, Anion — the god of war and destruction. 




Elves are well known for their poet­ry, dance, song, lore, and mag­i­cal arts. Elves favor things of nat­ur­al and sim­ple beau­ty. When dan­ger threat­ens their wood­land homes, how­ev­er, elves reveal a more mar­tial side, demon­strat­ing their skill with sword, bow, and bat­tle strat­e­gy. Elves min­gle freely in human lands, always wel­come yet nev­er at home there. Life among humans moves at a pace that elves dis­like: reg­i­ment­ed from day to day, but chang­ing from decade to decade. Elves among humans, there­fore, find careers that allow them to wan­der freely and set their own pace. Elves also enjoy demon­strat­ing their prowess with the sword and bow, and they enjoy gain­ing greater mag­i­cal pow­ers. Adven­tur­ing allows them to improve their skill in both. They are more skilled with Mag­ic that any of the oth­er races in Ann­mar.  Elves are thought to be a direct descen­dant of the god, Cimis — the god of wisdom. 



An enchant­ed race born of raw Fae mag­ic. Fae are the diminu­tive folk of the Ember­wild. These child­like sprites have a pen­chant for mis­chie­vous fun, and there is no game a fairy will not play, no sport it will not attempt, and no rev­el­ry it will avoid or decline. Fae are nature’s imma­ture answer to elves, but also bold and resilient, espe­cial­ly in a time of war.    They also pos­sess mag­i­cal abil­i­ties. Once thought of as only leg­end, they will be seen again in Ann­mar dur­ing the first age when mag­ic comes back into the world. Fae can be as small as four inch­es and as big as a reg­u­lar size human. Fae are thought to be a direct descen­dant of the god, Gen­nir — the god of magic. 


Dwarves are known for their skill in war­fare, their abil­i­ty to with­stand phys­i­cal and mag­i­cal pun­ish­ment, their knowl­edge of the earth­’s secrets, their hard work, and their capac­i­ty for drink­ing ale. A dwarf adven­tur­er may be moti­vat­ed by cru­sad­ing zeal, a love of excite­ment, or sim­ple greed. As long as his accom­plish­ments bring hon­or to his clan, his deeds earn him respect and sta­tus. Defeat­ing giants and claim­ing pow­er­ful mag­ic weapons are sure ways for a dwarf to earn the adu­la­tion of oth­er dwarves. The dwarves have nev­er had a uni­fied empire and thus have nev­er risen to the promi­nence of the elves or humans, though their con­trol of min­er­al wealth has always made them impor­tant allies of the greater pow­ers. Their mys­te­ri­ous king­doms, carved out from the insides of moun­tains, are renowned for the mar­velous trea­sures that they pro­duce as gifts or for trade. Dwarves are thought to be a direct descen­dant of the god, Anion — the god of war and destruction. 



 Half-elves are born from human and Elven par­ents and pos­sess aspects of both races. Grow­ing up between human and elven cul­tures, half-elves devel­op good social skills out of neces­si­ty, using them to smooth-out their way through the world. Their hard-earned social graces can aid them in and out of bat­tle. Much like their human her­itage, half-elves pos­sess a flair for ver­sa­til­i­ty, and can spe­cial­ize in a num­ber of direc­tions. They can be pow­er­ful mag­ic users. Elves are thought to be a direct descen­dant of the god, Cimis — the god of wisdom. 



Halflings are clever, capa­ble oppor­tunists. Depend­ing on the clan, Halflings might be reli­able, hard-work­ing cit­i­zens, or they might be thieves just wait­ing for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make a big score and dis­ap­pear in the dead of night.Halflings adven­tur­ers are typ­i­cal­ly look­ing for a way to use their skills to gain wealth or sta­tus. The dis­tinc­tion between a halfling adven­tur­er and a Halfling just out to make a big score can be blur­ry. While Halfling oppor­tunism can some­times look like lar­ce­ny or fraud to oth­ers, a halfling adven­tur­er who learns to trust her fel­lows is wor­thy of trust in return. The her­itage of the nomad also serves more urban­ized Halflings well, and Halflings have estab­lished them­selves as mer­chants, politi­cians, bar­ris­ters, heal­ers, and crim­i­nals. The trib­al nomads of the plains can some­times be found in the cities, but often the Halflings of the cities blend in with the rest of the pop­u­la­tion and dis­play only the occa­sion­al reminder of their roots. Halflings are thought to be a direct descen­dant of the god, Eras — the god of tran­quil­i­ty and love.


Orcs are sav­age humanoids with stooped pos­tures, pig­gish faces, and promi­nent teeth that resem­ble tusks. They gath­er in tribes that sat­is­fy their blood­lust by slay­ing any humanoids that stand against them Orcs, like the golems were cre­at­ed by the Great War at the end of the First Age that gave birth to Monsters.




Golems are con­structs built to fight in war and are unpleas­ant reminders of the bru­tal­i­ty of that war. They can be big and small.  As they strive to be a part of soci­ety, Golems strug­gle to find ways to relate to the oth­er races that cre­at­ed them. Adven­tur­ing is one way that War­forged can fit into the world, at least as well as any adven­tur­er ever does.  A fair­ly large num­ber of Golems choose an adven­tur­ing life to escape from the con­fines of a soci­ety that they did­n’t cre­ate and at the same time engage in some mean­ing­ful activ­i­ty. They came into being dur­ing the Great Wars at the end of the first age.



Gnomes, or the For­got­ten Folk as they were some­times known, were small humanoids known for their eccen­tric sense of humor, inquis­i­tive­ness, and engi­neer­ing prowess. Hav­ing had few overt influ­ences on the world’s his­to­ry, but many small and unseen ones, gnomes were often over­looked by the pow­ers that be, despite their crafti­ness and affin­i­ty for illu­sion mag­ic. Gnomes were present in near­ly every human city and most car­a­van-stop vil­lages where oth­er cul­tures and non-human races were at least tol­er­at­ed. Gnomes were very small com­pared to most oth­er races and, with an aver­age height rang­ing between 3′0″–3′6″ (0.9–1.1 meters) and a weight range of 40–45 lbs (18–20 kg), gnomes were gen­er­al­ly larg­er and heav­ier than Halflings, though for­est gnomes, rang­ing between 2′1″–2′10″ in height (0.6–0.9 meters) and 21–35 lbs in weight (10–16 kg), tend­ed to be small­er than Halflings.  How­ev­er, while Halflings were com­mon­ly said to resem­ble short humans, gnomes were more com­pa­ra­ble with elves, with whom they shared point­ed ears and high cheek­bones, or even dwarves, due to their ten­den­cy to grow beards and live under­ground. Many gnomes had a more fer­al appear­ance than either, how­ev­er, with hair that often sprout­ed from their heads in odd direc­tions.  A small per­cent­age of Gnomes know how to use full mag­ic.  They also tend to stay most­ly with­in their own com­mu­ni­ties. Gnomes are thought to be a direct descen­dant of the god, Eras — the god of tran­quil­i­ty and love.