Wel­come to Ann­mar. An ancient world filled with Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Gnomes, Orcs, Golems, Khronnes and Faerûn. It is a land with many King­doms of dif­fer­ent races and free towns where races live togeth­er. It is also a world filled with the pow­er of the gods, com­mon­ly known as mag­ic. Ann­mar is a world plagued by war, pol­i­tics, sus­pi­cion, and the rise of empires.  How­ev­er, since the fall of the last god there have been moments of peace with the main king­doms of Anntheia, Belmere, Dor­winn,  Skall­venn, Yorynn, and The Ember­wild. But through it all Ann­mar has sur­vived for three ages since the fall of the gods.  Ann­mar is a fan­ta­sy world span­ning over three dif­fer­ent ages. 




The Three Ages of Annmar


THE FIRST AGE: The Age of Mag­ic                                                                  

This is the first age after the fall of the last god.  It is con­sid­ered the dark ages, at least for the first hun­dred years.  How­ev­er, this is the age where mag­ic comes back into the world.  Mag­ic is con­sid­ered to be the pow­er of the gods and was lost to the world after the fall of the last god.  It will return through five cho­sen peo­ple among the var­i­ous races in Ann­mar. Mag­ic will reshape the world for the good of all the races, but there are those who see it as pure evil and will do any­thing to rid the world of mag­ic or con­trol it for them­selves.  The First Age will see the rise and fall of mag­ic lead­ing to the great purge and the birth of monsters.

THE SECOND AGE: The Age of Empires and Monsters

This is the Age that gives rise to one of the great­est empires the world has ever seen and the mon­sters pro­duced from the sec­ond War of Mag­ic that end­ed the First Age.  After the great purge of mag­ic users from Ann­mar, the great war pro­duced myth­i­cal crea­tures known as Mon­sters.  They coex­ist­ed with the var­i­ous races and the Anntheian Empire that ruled Ann­mar. New races are intro­duced in Ann­mar.  The world will also quadru­ple in size as the Anntheian Empire extends its con­trol over the known world.  This Age will see the ongo­ing war to com­bat the mon­sters who wreak hav­oc over Ann­mar and the great­est empire start to crum­ble from with­in. This will also be the Age of rebellion.

THE THIRD AGE: The Age of Men, Mon­sters, and Magic

This is the Age where old empires will crum­ble and Ann­mar will revert back to small king­doms.  Mag­ic will come back into the world of Ann­mar stronger than ever.  A new gen­er­a­tion of mag­ic users will rise up and help bal­ance the world with mon­sters and now drag­ons.  Ann­mar will be very dif­fer­ent with­out the Anntheian Empire in con­trol, but it is very much the same. New tyrants will rise up and try to con­trol Ann­mar.  New wars will be fought.  In Addi­tion, an ancient evil will return stronger than ever to try a enslave the many races and mag­ic users of Ann­mar, which will lead to anoth­er great war. How­ev­er, this will be the Age where men, mag­ic, and mon­sters find har­mo­ny with one anoth­er.

You Can Help Create the World of Annmar!


Over three Ages you will see the rise and fall of king­doms and empires that will reshape the world includ­ing the known map of Ann­mar. You will help cre­ate the sto­ries and his­to­ries of Ann­mar after the fall of the last god through three dif­fer­ent ages   New mytholo­gies and reli­gions will be intro­duced in Ann­mar.  Heroes and Leg­ends will be born out of great bat­tles and the world wars of Ann­mar.  Mag­ic will come back into the world only to dis­ap­pear and give rise to unspeak­able mon­sters and then come back where mag­ic and mon­sters rule the world of Ann­mar along­side mankind.  Dive into this won­der­ful fan­ta­sy world and see the pro­gres­sion of a new civ­i­liza­tion with rich and diverse char­ac­ters that will help define it. We invite writ­ers,  illus­tra­tors, and role play­ers to help cre­ate the world of Ann­mar, through their writ­ten word,  art­work,  and role play.

Sign Up Today and Help Cre­ate the World of Annmar.

Writ­ers and Illus­tra­tors will get Published!

The Ann­mar Chron­i­cles are pub­lished through True­source Pub­lish­inga TRUESOURCE com­pa­ny.  The Anmar Chron­i­cles are a col­lec­tion of Short Sto­ries,  Books,  Games,  Art­work, and Role-Play­ing Games.  This is a col­lab­o­ra­tive project by writ­ers,  artists,  and enthusiasts.